welldoing.org is a therapy platform that lists professionals who can provide therapy in Milton Keynes. You can read about their expertise and approaches, or use our matching questionnaire to see who is best suited to you and your concerns. You can make therapy appointments and pay for them online if you wish.
Talk for Change
For people experiencing mild to moderate anxiety or depression, psychological therapies are available through Talk for Change, which is a free, confidential NHS service to which you can self-refer or be referred by your GP. It provides a variety of talking therapies for people resident in Milton Keynes. Call 01908 228830.
Milton Keynes Urgent Care Team
A community team which assesses people who have severe and/or enduring mental illnesses. The ASTI provides a single point of access into mental health service for people of all ages. Call 01908 725099, monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.