Welldoing Community Peer Support Group
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Welldoing Community Peer Support Group

Are you a Welldoing psychotherapist or counsellor member? We would love to see you at one of our monthly peer support groups. 

We started these groups as we recognised there was a need amongst our members for a space to get together, offer support and receive support in return, with issues related to clinical practice or ethics, or the practicalities of running your business. It's also a great way to expand your referral network. 

Conversation in the group so far has ranged from marketing yourself and securing clients, burnout and self-care, the pros and cons of working online, providing therapy in different languages, and what the future of therapy looks like. 

We have also found that the space is being used simply to share experiences, professional and personal, and get to know others who understand the nuances of what you do for work. 

There's been a great range in terms of both the experience of attendees, ranging from 20+ years in practice to freshly qualified, and the modalities practised.

Here's some feedback from Welldoing members so far:

  • "I have now attended two group supervision sessions and each experience has been magical. A lot of useful connections and learning from the group how to hold clients via different modalities. Great to feel supported and know we are not alone within our struggles. Thank you for providing this space."
  • "Very grateful for what you are doing for those of us still finding our ways within the profession."
  • "Thank you so much for a really interesting, informative and supportive peer group meeting today. I found it really helpful."
  • "Thank you for hosting such a great space, and wonderful to meet everyone."

These meetings are held at 3PM on the second Wednesday of the month and 11AM on the last Tuesday of the month.

You are, of course, welcome to come along to both. 

Registration links will be sent out via the therapist newsletter and provided within your account area. 

If you have any questions about this space, please email Alice on [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you there!