Yvonne Lentge
Body psychotherapy psychotherapistAbout Me
Body Psychotherapy is a holistic approach to psychotherapy which works with the person as a whole - mind, body and soul. We will usually start by talking in chairs and often this takes up the whole session but there are also possibilities to work sitting on the floor, lying on a mat or massage table, standing up or moving around. The way we work will depend on what feels helpful for you at that moment. Together we will explore what supports you to feel secure & grounded, to take your space, to feel comfortable in your own skin, to feel connected to the world around you and to embody your experience of being who you are with fullness and ease.
I work collaboratively and creatively with my clients and have many years' experience as a client myself, having worked with therapists from a variety of different psychotheraputic approaches including Psychodynamic, Psychoanalytic, Biodynamic and Body Psychotherapy.
I have 20+ years experience of working in the voluntary sector. For over 15 years I worked for the mental health charity Mind, helping people to improve their mental and emotional wellbeing, supporting and training volunteers and delivering Mental Health Awareness training to staff teams from organisations across all sectors.
As a third generation holocaust survivor and second generation East German escapee, born in the UK and living in London, I have a deeply personal interest in issues relating to identity, ancestry, cultural heritage and intergenerational process. As a woman born in the 1970s I am interested in issues of identity related to sexuality, pregnancy, relationships, motherhood, menopause, childlessness, community and relationship diversity.
Issues often worked with
Types of therapy
Therapy offered
Client groups
My fee is £65 per session. Appointments for are 60 minutes once a week at the same time. Payment will ideally be in cash for the first meeting and is usually for each session thereafter however I will accept bank transfers for ongoing sessions if preferred.
To arrange an initial conversation on the phone free of charge or to book an initial appointment please email me, give me a call or send me a text. I am happy to answer any questions over the phone as best I can. If I am not available when you call I will get back to you or alternatively we can arrange a mutually convenient time to speak on the phone. I aim to answer enquiries within 24 hours although there may be times when this is not possible in which case I will reply as soon as I can.
Training and qualifications
I am a qualified Body Psychotherapist accredited with UKCP (UK Council for Psychotherapy). I started my training in 2013 after qualifying as a Biodynamic Massage Therapist with LSBP (London Centre for Biodynamic Psychotherapy). I am a professional member of CBPC (Cambridge Body Psychotherapy Centre) and ABMT (Association of Biodynamic Massage Therapists).