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Mental health resources in Belfast is a therapy platform which can provide therapy and help with mental health in Belfast. You can read about their expertise and approaches, or use our matching questionnaire to see who is best suited to you and your concerns. You can make therapy appointments and pay for them online if you wish.


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service aims to promote emotional well-being and deliver care, treatment and preventative mental health services to children and young people aged 0 � 18 years of age who experience significant mental health difficulties. The service works in many different ways with children and young people, depending on their needs. This service has multiple locations.

GP Out of Hours

GP out of hours provides care for people in Belfast when their normal GP surgery is closed. It is not intended to replace normal GP services, but deals with urgent problems that cannot wait until your own GP is available. You should therefore only use this service if you are suddenly ill and you cannot wait until your GP's surgery is open. The service operates weekdays after 6pm, at weekends and during bank holidays. Call 9079 6220 in South and East Belfast or 9074 4447 in North and West Belfast.

Combat Stress

Combat Stress is the UK's leading Veterans' mental health charity. They provide timely, effective clinical treatment and welfare support to Veterans who suffer from psychological wounds.