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Read our posts about Soul

Culture Tip: Grayson Perry's Who Are You?

Culture Tip: Grayson Perry's Who Are You?

The Turner Prize-winning artist Grayson Perry talking recently about Who Are You?, his display of new works at the National Portrait Gallery in London, commented that, “identity is one of those words that gets used a lot particularly in political terms and it always seems a slippery term to me”. In this diverse collection of 14 portraits shown in the Gallery’s nineteenth and twentieth century rooms Perry uses his fierce intelligence and particularly winning aesthetic to try to pin that term down. The works have all been made in response to meeting...
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The True Value of Volunteering in Sport

The True Value of Volunteering in Sport

Here at Join In, we often see the effect that volunteering has on people. We love hearing how rewarding our volunteers find it to help others, and make a difference in their communities. So we decided to look into the subject a little bit more with an independent online survey. What did we find? Our first conclusion was that volunteering in sport makes you happier. This wasn’t exactly new- previous research in other volunteering sectors has found much the same thing. The big question was how much happier? Could we quantify this? Well, yes we could. The results...
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What Do Your Dreams Mean?

What Do Your Dreams Mean?

Dreams, says Philippa Perry, are an important way of understanding ourselves. They are a metaphor for our psyches and a way of unpeeling our unconscious to reveal what we are truly thinking. Philippa’s dream workshop was the first co-production between and the how to: Academy; it was held at the beautiful Condé Nast College of Fashion and Design in Soho, London on October 28. I joined a capacity crowd to hear Philippa, a (non-practising) psychotherapist, teach us how to gather meaning from our nighttime adventures. She doesn't agree with Freud...
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The Power of Big Picture Thinking

The Power of Big Picture Thinking

The pace of modern life seems to continually hold us back from thinking about the bigger picture. Instead, we are locked into a world where we focus on simple facts and information. We do not dwell on context or seek a wider analysis in our conversations. It's also a world where we rarely pause to reflect upon more personal conceptual questions, such as who we are, where we are going, and what life is all about for us. These are the kind of questions that require us to ‘change gear’ in our thinking; to lift ourselves up from asking questions that require...
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Culture Tip: Pride

Culture Tip: Pride

When watching Pride, written by Stephen Beresford and directed by Matthew Warchus, a warm, witty and timely film based on true events during the miner's strike of 1984, I was reminded of one of my favourite protest posters of the late twentieth century: 'If Thatcher gets up your nose, picket'.  I was taken back to a period of my life when bucket-waving and badge-wearing were everyday occurrences. I recall a time of political certainty for myself and my peers. We knew we wanted 'Maggie, Maggie, Maggie, Out, Out, Out!' We didn't want to go to war. We didn't want...
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