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Read our posts about Soul

Beating 'Blue Monday'

Beating 'Blue Monday'

Today is allegedly ‘Blue Monday’, the gloomiest day of the year. Workers are being asked to dress in flamboyant colours in their offices to help them overcome the January blues. Mental Health Research UK says we should let loose with bright patterns and fabrics on 'Blue Monday', renamed 'Blooming Monday' by the campaigners - a spot of ‘wearapy’ as some therapists call it. The idea is to lift our collective mood and raise awareness of depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD), as well as raise money to combat mental health issues. SAD is a...
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Can Mindfulness Change the Face of Britain?

Can Mindfulness Change the Face of Britain?

No-one is in any doubt that we are facing a crisis with the increasing levels of mental illness in this country; one in four of us experiences a mental health problem every year. But what if there was something small – taking as little as ten or 15 minutes –that could help millions of us living with stress, depression and anxiety? And, as if that wasn’t enough, it could also help people focus, reduce anger, and aid in preventing any number of physical ailments. We’re talking mindfulness, of course. And that’s what led me to a meeting room in the House of...
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The Basics of Mindfulness Practice

The Basics of Mindfulness Practice

Wherever you happen to be sitting right now, take about a minute or two to notice the physical sensations of your body pressing against the seat/cushion/floor underneath you. If you’re standing, try to notice the physical sensations of your feet pressing against the floor. While you’re at it, see if you can identify the contours of your body touching the seat or floor by feeling the sensations that are present there – rather than by simply thinking about them. This exercise of attention is referred to as mindfulness and has become tremendously popular in recent...
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Green Gyms: Wellbeing through Outdoor Conservation

Green Gyms: Wellbeing through Outdoor Conservation

Green Gyms transform people’s health and wellbeing through participation in outdoor conservation activity. They are group-based, physically challenging and result in green spaces for the wider public benefit. Regular attendees increase their activity over time and so get fitter. They also develop a social, or ‘peer-support’ network, and have higher levels of contact with nature. This powerful combination helps them to develop resilience against mental and physical health problems and - through learning how to manage green space - new skills, knowledge and...
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Why Dog Walking is Good for You

Why Dog Walking is Good for You

‘Alpha got lost for five hours,’ says one of the regular dog people as Albie, her working cocker spaniel, races around the park. ‘He followed a bitch on heat for miles, all the way to the main road. Now his mum’s had him snipped and she’s bought a tracking device’. We gasp in horror at the trauma. Alpha is a husky. I know him well, as does my dog Milo, a miniature schnauzer, who adores being pinned down by him and gently bitten on the neck. I don’t know his owner’s name (yes, I’m aware that the term ‘owner’ is seen in some rarified circles as non-pc, too clinical,...
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