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Read our posts about Soul

Can Making the Bed Change Your Life?

Can Making the Bed Change Your Life?

Have you ever wondered what an unmade bed says about you? could the way you leave your bed each morning reflect your state of mind?   In the sixties my family lived in one room on the top floor of a terraced house in South London. The bed took centre stage and if left unmade would throw the whole room into disarray. With the bed made, the room would take on a certain glow and everything else that needed to be tidied would fall into place. There are psychological as well as environmental benefits of a well-made bed. In a recent article, Make Your Bed For Peace...
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Should We Embrace Excess at Christmas?

Should We Embrace Excess at Christmas?

There are only 12 shopping days before Christmas, but I wonder if it’s time we all called time on the mad rush of thoughtless consumerism that seems to have overtaken the season. Confronted with heaps of packaged gifts, and adverts encouraging us to ‘buy , buy , buy’, the expressions that come to my mind as Christmas approaches are not ‘good cheer’ and 'merriness’ but   ‘enough’ and, ‘too much’. Before the Christmas turkey has even hit the table I’ve lost my appetite, overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of stuff. Yet these feelings aren’t straightforward....
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