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Why We Fall in Love with Pets

Why We Fall in Love with Pets

I have recently launched a Cat Campaign in my household. It is my firm belief that owning a cat will make both me and my single mother exponentially happier. Pet therapy has widely been used to treat a variety of issues ranging from depression, Asperger’s, ADHD and Empty Nest Syndrome. When her children left home for university, a family friend of mine reluctantly bought a dog to keep her company. Charlie the King Charles Cavalier proved to be this woman’s saviour. During a period of intense loneliness and isolation, she was able to channel her need to...
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What’s Turning Men Onto Yoga?

What’s Turning Men Onto Yoga?

In ten years of practicing yoga, I have never been alongside more than the odd man, usually glimpsed once and never seen again. Yet a quick head count at my class the other month confirmed my suspicions of a growing phenomenon: the women were outnumbered. What brings men these days to a yoga class? The newest recruits have a quick answer: Ryan Giggs. For Euan, 42, the footballer was the deciding factor. “I didn’t really know what I was getting into,” he says, having been persuaded to try yoga to relieve the aches and stiffness that often followed sports sessions....
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