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Beat Blue Monday

Beat Blue Monday

As if Mondays didn’t always get a bad press for being the most miserable day of the week, now apparently we need to be alert for the fact that today is Blue Monday – the most depressing day of the year. Although not actually proven by science, anecdotally it would seem that the perfect storm of bad weather, post-Christmas family angst, a flurry of credit card statements, and the dawning realisation that we’re wobbling on our New Year’s resolutions, can make even the most glass-half-full person feel bleak. To some extent, the idea of one day of the year being worse than...
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Mindfullness is not Mindfulness

Mindfullness is not Mindfulness

The cursor on my screen moves along swiftly. My wifi is off and my mobile is on “do not disturb” – so no emails, no notifications, and no phone-calls or texts. I’m not worried. I know that in about 30 minutes I’ll check all those devices and whatever I need to attend to can wait until then. Just now I have to write this column and I want to be mindful and present for the task. In many ways, there’s something delightfully calming about this, which is paradoxical because it’s still work. It seems that as mindfulness is gaining more space in the public conversation, our...
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