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Digital Detox at Middle Piccadilly

Digital Detox at Middle Piccadilly

Rather than staying away from easy addictions like alcohol or sugar, you are expected to dis-avow the very oxygen of 21st century life: the internet. For me this is complicated by two contradictory facts: I have founded a business on the internet; the business is to promote well-ness, which can be destroyed by the downsides of the internet. And yet I craved the chance to detach myself from its distractions.
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International Happiness Day: Go Out and Play

International Happiness Day: Go Out and Play

Children play. Nobody has to show them how to do it; they're just born knowing.  But as adults, we become so disconnected from it that we forget what it is and how to do it. Psychiatrist Stuart Brown, who founded the nonprofit organisation National Institute of Play in California, says: 'Play is an ancient, voluntary, inherently pleasurable, apparently purposeless activity or process that is undertaken for its own sake, and that strengthens our muscles and social skills, fertilises brain activity, tempers and deepens out emotions, take us out of time, and enables a...
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