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Mental health resources in Edinburgh is a therapy platform that lists professionals who can provide therapy and help with mental health in Edinburgh. You can read about their expertise and approaches, or use our matching questionnaire to see who is best suited to you and your concerns. You can make therapy appointments and pay for them online if you wish.

Mental Health Assessment Service

Mental Health Assessment Service - for urgent mental health assessment. In the first instance you should try to contact your GP. If you do not have a GP, or your GP is not available, you should contact the Mental Health Assessment Service on their 24 hour phone line 0131 537 6000.

The Samaritans

Samaritans - If you just want to speak with someone over the phone and are feeling suicidal or need emotional support, you can contact Samaritans on their 24 hour helpline, 116 123

Edinburgh Carers Council

Edinburgh Carers Council - a local Edinburgh charity that provides free, confidential and independent advocacy for carers supporting someone with mental or physical health difficulties.

The Edinburgh Crisis Centre

The Edinburgh Crisis Centre - run by Penumbra, the centre can be contacted directly on 0808 801 0414 if you want to discuss a mental health crisis.


EdSpace - contains information about local services, factsheets and guides, self-help material, local news and events as well as a monthly newsletter all relating to mental health.