According to the Moorish proverb, “he who does not travel does not know the value of men”. Henry Miller described it even more succinctly when he wrote “one’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things”.

There is nothing more quintessentially human than the desire to travel, to leave our zone of comfort and go off exploring. It is that spirit of adventure that has led mankind to explore new territories on our planet and indeed to leave our earth and go into outer space to find new planets and worlds. Through travel we discover other cultures and civilisations and as we do so, we find out who we really are. 

I feel it is all part of my life as a therapist practising hypnotherapy and helping people to make changes in their lives. Facilitating transformation through travel has been a natural extension of my skills and passion. We can discover more about ourselves through many different tools. I have chosen hypnosis and travelling because they are deeply enriching and at the same time very enjoyable ways to journey into our greater selves.

Through travel we discover other cultures and civilisations and as we do so, we find out who we really are.

Miriam Beard observed this phenomenon of self-discovery when she said: “Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living”.

This simple yet profound observation is very pertinent to my experience when I visited Egypt for the first time. I thought I was a pretty seasoned traveller by the time I made it to Egypt for once travelling light with just one suitcase and few expectations. The month went by quickly and I found happiness in my discovery that one suitcase more than met all my needs. That first visit whetted my appetite but the seeds of changes and transformations that were planted with that first visit needed time to bear fruit. I kept coming back and discovering more about myself and my purpose with each visit. I realised that less is more and that I needed to follow and trust my inner feelings and instincts.  

In connecting with the ancient civilisations of the past, we can better understand our purpose in life and what we want to do with our future.

I found peace, balance, harmony and growth in my journeys to Egypt and I realised I want to share that discovery with other people who are also seeking those objectives. And so the first “Ancient Passion Awakening” journey was born and together with some other intrepid travellers we left London in March 2015 in search of adventure and self-discovery. And we found it in Cairo and Luxor. We found light in the temple of Abydos. We found spiritual nourishment in the solitude of the Sahara as we observed the Equinox sunrise over the Amun Oracle from the Timasirayn Temple and the sunset over a special lake. We found relaxation in Siwa in the hot and cold springs. We discovered a truth universal that in connecting with the ancient civilisations of the past, we can better understand our purpose in life and what we want to do with our future.  

As one of the participants  in the trip said: “No country approaches Egypt for offering true transformation. The Giza Pyramids are energising in the extreme and one can only wonder and be in awe at the motivations for their construction. Other sacred sites in Egypt appear on the surface to be just burial grounds, but they are more than that. They emit a special energy which has to be experienced to be believed; these places are truly transformational”.

Another noted, “Since I have returned from Egypt, I am inspired to live, think and eat in a way different than I used to before. On my first visit to Egypt, I was seeing stones only. After this trip, I was able to feel those stones. Spending time at the Ancient places of power, helps us to discover our souls' heritage and reminds us about our human dignity, which we often forget when in day to day task and survival. It calls us to have more courage. It expands our sensitivity and makes us more perceptive".

For details of future trips visit Ancient Passion