The new Secretary of State for Health Matt Hancock was on the Today programme today unveiling sparkling new tech initiatives for the NHS, even if much of the interview was taken up with his having to defend past billions being wasted on previous innovations.

As he wrote in The Telegraph: “I know NHS IT has had a chequered history. And I understand why some have shied away from reforming it. There are fewer bigger organisations in the world, but for the Chinese army and Walmart, so it’s not easy. But we have learned how we can do it, from seizing the incredible opportunities of artificial intelligence through to fixing basic computers in hospitals so they can talk to each other. 

“The fact that your hospital can’t see your GP record, or that patients don’t have control over their data, or that even within the same hospital different departments have to write down basic details, is expensive, frustrating for staff, and risks patient safety.”

The point about digital technology is that it is constantly reacting to its users, and being improved. Think back to your old dial-up modem, or phones before they included web access. Life becomes much easier when tech is designed to be supportive and useful.

Which is where comes in. We have recently unveiled a new look for the therapists who use our services. It is much easier and more convenient to register and create a profile; and once you are up and running you can manage your account effortlessly, especially if you use the diary management system. You can set up regular clients with weekly appointments, and easily see when payments are made through the well-trusted payment service Stripe.

We know we’re nowhere near as big and powerful as the NHS, but we also know our therapist members appreciate how we make their businesses run more smoothly. If you haven’t seen what we offer lately, take a look here — and then get in touch.