Susan Reilly
Integrative counsellorAbout Me
The fact that your reading this is an indication that you may be seeking help in whatever it is that is impacting on your life and overall wellbeing. You are not alone, you are obviously looking to change that feeling/thought/worry which is a good indication that you recognise and want to enhance your care of self. I am here to help you start that journey.
Issues often worked with
Types of therapy
Therapy offered
Client groups
My fee is £60 50 minutes
I do offer concession places, these are on a sliding scale.
Training and qualifications
I and am a qualified level 4 CPCAB counsellor and CBT practioner. I have also have a professional diploma in Clinical hypnotherapy and recently, Nov 18, qualified as a practitioner in REWIND therapy, (PTSD and PTS). I continuously partake in CPD as I feel its important for myself and my clients.