We have partnered with one of the world's leading e-learning businesses to build this easy-to-use portal of curated content plus exclusive content from welldoing.org.
The Welldoing Learning Hub is designed to bring together in one place all the materials you need to manage a thriving private therapy practice, stay up-to-date with your professions, and fulfil CPD requirements.
We know that our members are often extremely pressed for time, and that client appointments mean you cannot always travel to lectures or conferences.
The Welldoing Learning Hub, available for an annual fee, is always available, easily searchable, and all the content and courses you complete will be tracked, so you can quite simply show the CPD you have completed in any period.
Learning online, whether it's via video or the written word, interaction or lectures, is convenient and cost-effective; many other professions receive most of their CPD in this way. We look forward to introducing you to our top-quality learning portal to show you just how simple and satisfying e-learning can be.