We deal with a constant bombardment of information about our weight and often it is confusing and contradictory. It can therefore be very difficult to establish what we should be eating, how much we should be eating and what the best steps are to maintain a healthy weight.

Obesity, one of the fastest growing health concerns in the world today, increases the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. It also has vast impacts on psychological wellness. Being underweight can also present serious health problems such as fertility issues, osteoporosis, anaemia, fatigue and, again, various psychological challenges.

Hereditary and hormonal factors can play a role in determining your weight, along with the more obvious lifestyle and diet factor. Whatever the reasons affecting your weight the most, and whether you are overweight or underweight, this is an issue which should be addressed. It is important for your physical, psychological and emotional wellbeing to be within the healthy range of weight for you.

It seems like losing weight should be simple: when you take in too much food, it will be stored as fat, if you burn off more than you take in, you will lose weight. For many people however the process of losing weight is much more of a struggle. Everyone is unique in terms of their body type, metabolism and attitude towards food. A nutritional therapist or nutritionist is fully understanding of this fact and can work with a client accordingly.

A nutritionist will take into account all the implications of a unique client’s situation and create a sustainable and realistic diet plan for optimum nutrition. Nutritional programmes for weight management will also often include exercise advice. A nutritionist can help you make a tailored regime an integral and everyday part of your routine. This sustainability and ease is vitally important if you hope to succeed. It is important to be patient and think in long-term time frames when it comes to weight management and a nutritionist can help you along the way and aid you through the inevitable bumps in the road.

Taking control of your weight management can have huge benefits on your physical health and, importantly, also on your mental health. Your self-confidence will be boosted and you will also likely experience increased cognitive function, benefiting from better concentration skills and sleeping better at night.