Meet the Therapist: Gary McFarlane
Aug 13, 2024
Gary McFarlane
Aug 13, 2024
I was a solicitor for over 20 years. I did a full career switch in 2012, having gone to therapy "kicking and screaming" because my own childhood insecure attachment stuff caught up with me in my 40s and took out my 18 year marriage.
Eclectic from Relate : psychodynamic, systemic, CBT, basic transactional analysis, EMDR. Most of the therapy I offer is solution-focused.
I work a lot with sex, porn and love addiction. The way I work includes significant psychoeducation, and then tool giving, which empowers clients.
I work with adults and couples.
We are only just beginning to see the fall-out from the impact of the Covid-19 lockdowns.
Significant numbers worldwide developed some form of compulsion during the Covid-19 lockdowns, as methods used to manage emotions and self-soothe.
Same as when I was a lawyer: helping people. But additionally, as a therapist, I have the privilege of journeying with clients to move the trajectory of their life into a different direction, one that they prefer. I can help them to become the best that they can be.
I've been a "sleeping observer" since maybe 2014, but am now "seeing the light"!
Currently, Jim Knipe's EMDR Toolbox - so good. Also Who Moved My Cheese. Yes, I refer clients to books, but a skill that I have is helping to make complex things easy for clients.
EMDR 4 elements tools: breathing, suck a lemon, calm place, with tapping. Also supervision, and Minister, and much prayer.
I have worked online for 14 years and have a Certificate in Online Therapy. Post-Covid-19, I built an office in the garden and released my office space. Therefore, decided not to go back to in-person, since my client base is all over the world. I'm based in Weston-Super-Mare.
It is not a sign of weakness to seek a helping hand from time to time. That is how we were designed.
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all".
"Oh - it's Gary of course"
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Gary McFarlane