WiseWords #11: on Self-love, Intuition and the Feminine
Jan 11, 2017
Tara Jackson
Jan 24, 2025 24
In this week's #WiseWords holistic health coach Tara Jackson shares with us the books she finds particularly powerful and helpful.
This book is about author Gala Darling's journey to self-love and how she battled with depression and an eating disorder. Throughout, Gala Darling gives practical, everyday tips on how to care more about, and really love, yourself. Some of my favourite tips are - ways to make your daily routine more magical and going on a self-love date with yourself - amongst others like affirmations and being clear on what you want.
Rise Sister Rise is about the rise of the feminine. It is a spiritual and practical manual for healing fears, insecurities, limiting beliefs and ways of being that have stopped women from trusting their intuition and inner power; so they can be who they are meant to be. It includes stories, inspiration and guidance from author Rebecca Campbell as well as questions, exercises and tools to get you thinking and inspire you to listen to your intuition, be courageous and help heal the world, first by healing yourself.
This book is for anyone who has had issues with food, diets and/or body image. The author Mel Wells is a former actress and model who struggled with these things for years, and in The Goddess Revolution she takes us through her journey to heal her relationship with these issues and ultimately with herself. She shows us how to have a healthy relationship with our bodies, show it the love it deserves and take back our power around food, so we can feel better than ever.
Tara Jackson