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Mental health resources in Stratford is a therapy platform that lists professionals who can provide therapy and help with mental health in Hackney. You can read about their expertise and approaches, or use our matching questionnaire to see who is best suited to you and your concerns. You can make therapy appointments and pay for them online if you wish.

City and Hackney Wellbeing Network

City and Hackney Wellbeing Network is a partnership of 11 mental health agencies providing free, high-quality groups and courses such as mindfulness, CBT, employment, eco-volunteering, money management and debt prevention, to help with issues including stress, anxiety and depression, and help prevent problems from starting or getting worse. For Hackney residents, including people with severe and enduring mental health conditions. 020 8525 2301

Specialist CAMHS

Specialist CAMHS is an NHS service for children and young people up to 18 years who are dealing with severe, urgent, persistent and/or complex emotional and behavioural and mental health difficulties, and is also part of the process of getting a diagnosis for children and young people with autism or ADHD.

Hackney Mind

Hackney Mind provides local expert services. 0208 525 2301