What is Craniosacral Therapy?
May 9, 2015
Jacqueline van Roosmalen
May 9, 2015
Craniosacral Therapy is a hands-on therapy that uses a light touch and whose origins are in the practice of Osteopathy.
The body has self-healing capabilities and is constantly striving for good health. Craniosacral Therapy can facilitate this natural propensity for balance and a feeling of wellbeing in the client. Craniosacral Therapy also recognizes the interconnection between mind and body.
Craniosacral therapists work with the presence of subtle rhythmic motions that are expressed within the body particularly the head, spine and pelvis . The free and balanced expression of these subtle motions is related to our state of health and vitality.
In a typical session the client will lie or sometimes sit clothed on a treatment couch. The therapist makes contact by gently placing her/his hands on the client's body and uses a light touch to tune into the subtle motions taking place. The therapist can evaluate if there are any imbalances within the body and use a range of non-invasive therapeutic skills to promote relaxation and thereby promote self-healing within the client.
Craniosacral therapy is primarily concerned with creating and maintaining balance at all levels: emotional, physical, mental and spiritual.
Imbalance is expressed as asymmetries or restrictions to the craniosacral motion. Emotion, thought, memory and spirituality may naturally arise in the course of a treatment as these may be expressed in the body and released during treatment.
Craniosacral therapy is primarily concerned with creating and maintaining a state of balance at all levels: emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. Craniosacral therapy has a wide range of applications and can be beneficial for all ages from newborn babies to the elderly and all ages in between.
These are some examples of conditions that can benefit from craniosacral therapy, but the list is not exhaustive:
Jacqueline van Roosmalen