Numbness: What It Means to Feel Numb, and How Counselling Can Help
May 9, 2023
Georgina Sturmer
Jan 22, 2025 38
In counselling, we're all about the feelings. How are you feeling? What are you feeling? How does that make you feel now?
But this isn't always easy. Sometimes we just don't feel anything at all. Let's look at what numbness feels like, why it can make life difficult. And how you can work to overcome it.
As with all feelings, numbness can feel different to different people. Your version of happy might feel different from my version of happy. Your version of sadness might feel different from my version of sadness. And so it is for numbness too.
In my mind, numbness feels like being stuck in a state of anaesthesia. As if something is stopping us from experiencing life to the full. There's a technical term 'anhedonia', which is the inability to experience pleasure. Numbness can feel like the inability to experience life in general.
If we feel numb, we might not feel anger or sadness, but we also miss out on experiencing the full range of everyday life experiences. Happiness, excitement, energy, motivation, and so on.
If we feel numb then we often feel stuck or trapped. This isn't a problem if things in life are moving along. But if we are stuck in a challenging situation or a difficult relationship then it can make it really hard for us to make decisions or change things.
If we're feeling numb we might struggle to connect with other people in social situations. This can lead to feelings of isolation.
Georgina Sturmer