My Partner's Drinking Worries Me - How Can I Talk to Them?
Aug 26, 2020
Ian Stockbridge
Jan 24, 2025 36
According to the NHS, last year over 350,000 hospital admissions were for reasons related to alcohol usage. This is a 6% increase over the previous year, and a 19% increase over the prior decade. In a nation known for its pint glasses, talking about alcohol dependency and addictions can be particularly challenging. But the statistics underscore how important these conversations are in stemming the tide towards short- and long-term health impacts.
In my role as a mental health therapist, I provide support to people going through difficult times. Surprisingly, it isn't always the person who is suffering from a mental health condition or other problem who reaches out. Sometimes it is a loved one who needs help overcoming societal boundaries so they can speak up and have a conversation about addiction.
When it comes to broaching difficult conversations about addiction, the question is less 'should I' and more of 'when is the right time to say something?' Individuals come to me to ask for guidance on pushing beyond the boundaries of niceties and into the realm of overwhelming, but important conversations. Should you find yourself in this position, here are some steps you can take to address the topic with your partner.
In healthy relationships, including friends, family and with our more intimate partners, we share information, both good and bad, creating an open and trusting environment. This applies both to those doing the sharing and those we wish to share with us.
Before jumping into a conversation about addiction, mental health or any other potentially sensitive topic, you need to lay the groundwork. You may want to start by sharing some of your own challenges, asking for support. Frank discussions about small topics build up the trust required for bigger conversations.
A common question I hear from partners is: should we talk to people about their addiction? Well, we would ask if we thought a friend or partner was ill or struggling in most other aspects of their lives. Addiction is no less real and is a medically diagnosable condition. It is clinically known as "alcohol use disorder". Like any other chronic condition such as diabetes or high blood pressure, leaving this unsupported and untreated can lead to significant consequences both emotionally and physically.
The most important thing is to start the conversation and let the other person know it is OK to talk. Pick a place which offers some degree of privacy out of respect for the significance of the conversation, and don't do it during a point where alcohol is being or has been consumed or is too readily available such as a restaurant or bar. This is a moment for clarity. Don't worry about being word perfect, whatever the message is. The important thing is to speak in an honest, consistent and respectful way whilst attempting to maintain compassion.
Things to remember:
Ian Stockbridge