What is Transpersonal Psychotherapy?
Sep 13, 2021
Kim Coussell
Jan 22, 2025 42
At its essence transpersonal psychotherapy means to go beyond the personal that is to say, the ego - but what does this look like in a session with a transpersonal psychotherapist?
A transpersonal therapist is attuned and open to their client's essence, including more indistinct elements, such as the client's spiritual nature. A transpersonal therapist is conscious of their client's innate potential. This potential may be masked under their limiting beliefs, and the impact of life experiences that may have influenced how free they feel to express themselves in the world.
As a client you might view something as needing to be 'fixed'; from a transpersonal perspective, challenging experiences can offer an opportunity for dormant qualities within us to emerge, allowing a fuller sense of ourselves to find expression. Our inherent nature is so much more profound than our adapted selves from which we may hold ourselves back or limit our potential.
As an integrative therapeutic approach, transpersonal psychotherapy combines a range of approaches to therapy. Transpersonal therapy draws from varied psychological models and considers what it means to be human on many levels: psychologically, physically, behaviourally, cognitively, and spiritually.
Kim Coussell