How to Manage Anger in Relationships
Oct 30, 2017
Anonymous Author
Jan 22, 2025 53
Taking a 'timeout' is probably one of the most taught techniques in anger management classes yet so often I meet clients who say they don't work.
Does this scenario sound familiar? You are having a difficult discussion with your partner and you begin to feel the tell-tale signs of your anger rising. You decide you need to take a timeout so you walk into another room but your partner follows you and continues the argument. Now you feel ready to explode.
Or perhaps you go out for a walk to get some space and some fresh air - but your partner just keeps phoning or texting you. You just can't seem to catch a break and the anger keeps rising.
Frustrating isn't it? You seem to be trying so hard but nothing is working for you.
If this sounds familiar, let me ask you one question. Did you tell your partner you were taking a timeout? It is amazing how often the answer is "NO". As a result, rather than showing your partner that you are taking positive steps to control your anger you probably left them feeling abandoned and frustrated, not quite sure what is going on.
The timeout can be a hugely effective part of your anger management arsenal - but you need to make one crucial addition: a contract with your partner so that you both know what is happening.
The Timeout Contract
You don't have to renegotiate this contract every time you have an argument. Agreeing the process with your partner in advance is OK - then when you feel your anger rising you can shortcut straight to your agreed action. Just don't forget to tell your partner you are implementing the timeout contract!
Anonymous Author