Don't be Silenced: Mind's #TakeOffTheTape Campaign
Mar 8, 2016
Mind Mind
Jan 24, 2025 02
Mental health charity Mind yesterday launched a new social media driven campaign #TakeOffTheTape, encouraging people to open up about what is making them anxious. The campaign has gathered a lot of support from well-known TV personalities, actors, models and athletes, including CBBC presenter Ben Shires.
Shires said, "It's just so important for us to talk about the things that worry us. Even the most positive and fulfilled people you know will get anxious. For my #TakeOffTheTape challenge I chose the weight of expectation as the cause of anxiety. To be honest, I consider myself one of the luckiest blokes out there as I love my job, however understanding where the chinks in the armor are really help to lend perspective to everything"
Despite the statistics surrounding mental health issues, such as the knowledge that one in four of us will experience a mental health issue in any given year, people still struggle with feelings of loneliness in their situation, and a fear of being misunderstood.
According to recent research carried out by Mind, a quarter of 18-34 year olds admitted to feeling that they considered showing their emotions a sign of weakness, despite one in five saying they had cried in the past week because of anxiety. Ruth Richards at Mind adds, "By encouraging everyone to talk more honestly about things being tough, we can help people feel more comfortable about admitting that they need some support".
Ruth Richards also expresses the importance of seeking help early, before mental health issues further affect your life. Anxiety, depression - all mental health issues - can negatively affect your work, relationships, and physical health, on top of bringing emotional and mental stress.
To get involved in the #TakeOffTheTape campaign, simply get a piece of paper, post-it-note or tape and write the one thing that makes you most anxious. Take your selfie with your message over your mouth including the message: Don't be silenced! #TakeOffTheTape. Then share it with your friends on social media and encourage your friends to do the same.
These campaigns are so valuable in terms of increasing awareness about mental health, and hopefully relieving the feelings of isolation that are so common with mental health problems. If you have been living with anxiety, depression or perhaps you don't know how to define what you are feeling, talking therapies have been proven to be highly beneficial in supporting mental health difficulties. You can find a therapist for anxiety or whatever is troubling you here on welldoing.
To find out more about the #TakeOffTheTape challenge, visit
Mind Mind