Depression: The Symptoms and When to Ask for Help
Dec 10, 2018
Jan 24, 2025 34
Depression is a mental health disorder that affects mood, thoughts and body. It is associated with a feeling of great sadness to despair. People experience a loss of pleasure even for activities that once they enjoyed. Decision-making abilities may be impaired, or affected by sleep and eating disorders. Self-esteem is diminished with a tendency to undervalue one's own worth.
As is often the case with mental illness, depression has physical consequences that are sometimes the source of depression, or at least reinforce it. It should be noted that depression and its physical consequences often reinforce each other. Hence the installation of a vicious circle that it is necessary to break. Depression can be physically experienced in the body by a backache, stomach ache, headache.
Depression usually occurs in the form of depressive periods that can last weeks, months or even years. Depending on the intensity of the symptoms, the depression will be described as mild, moderate or major.
When depression sets in over time, we talk about chronic depression. Bipolar disorders are specific disorders that alternate phases of depression and over excitation phases.
Depression can appear with other disorders, such as: