Jake (Jacqueline) Farr: Gestalt Psychotherapist, london, N1
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Jake (Jacqueline) Farr

Gestalt psychotherapist
london N1
Has availability

About Me

I am a chartered psychologist and psychotherapist and work with clients from all walks of life to explore and help them to find a fulfilling way forward in their lives.   I have run my own private practice for 15 years, as a coaching psychologist and more recently offering gestalt psychotherapy and systemic constellations therapy.

I love working holistically and creatively with clients to look for patterns that underlie stuck behaviours and to open up new ways of being in the world.  Our (therapist and client) relationship is a fundamental part of this as it is in this space that unconscious patterns in the way clients relate and experience the world will be reflected. 

Clients come to me with a range of psychological issues such as depression, anxiety, difficulty maintaining satisfactory relationships, bereavement, or experiencing a generalised  dissatisfaction with life.  Therapy contributes positively to clients’ mental and physical well-being, capacity to manage life more effectively and to experience greater fulfilment in life.

Gestalt therapy encourages a creative attitude towards life and personal development and requires a delicate balance of safety and risk for health and growth to happen.  My role is to co-create with you an environment and relationship where this can happen.


How I work

My psychotherapeutic approach is Gestalt and influenced by developments in neuroscience, family (systemic) constellations and tantra.  The latter enabling an ease and experience in working with sexual issues. 

In our work together I will support you to pay attention to your current thoughts, feelings and physical sensations in order to increase your self-awareness. In collaboration with you, we will seek greater clarity on what your needs and wants are and explore both your strengths and blocks to growth and change in living a more fulfilling life. 


I typically offer medium and long-term face to face therapy, working deeply towards organic and emergent change.  Before we commit to work with each other I offer an initial consultation to begin to explore the nature of what brings you to therapy and for me to tell you more about how I work.

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View practice address
First Practice
10, Bewdley Street
N1 1HB

Issues often worked with

Family issues
Interpersonal relationships
Sexual abuse
Sexuality and LGBTQ

Therapy offered

In person

Client groups




Training and qualifications

Chartered Psychologist, British Psychological Society

MA Gestalt Therapy Theory

MSc Applied Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology

Verified professional membership