Seasonal Self-Care to Start the New Year
Jan 1, 2019
Tara Jackson
Jan 22, 2025 55
Since moving to the UK from the tropics many years ago, the new year can feel a bit out of synch for me. I feel the buzz and excitement of a fresh start and time to renew my intentions for what I want for myself, and a part of me wants to 'go, go, go' and hit the ground running. But coupled with that, it is still the dead of winter in the northern hemisphere, and every year I find myself naturally wanting to hibernate, take it easy and rest more, until the spring comes and I know I'll have more energy as the days get longer and warmer.
Even though the rest of the world seems to be going full speed ahead, particularly in the wellness world with full on diet plans and exercise regimes, I still think it feels right to go inwards and spend more time doing nourishing things which warm me up - like drinking lots of cups of tea, making warming curries and soups, eating seasonal, roasted root vegetables; taking naps when I can and doing gentle exercises like yin or restorative yoga and walking. I also love to spend time reviewing the year gone, what I want to continue, what I want to let go of and/or forgive, and looking ahead to what I want for myself in the upcoming year. These cold, dark weeks at the start of the year are a fitting time to do this.
If like me you are feeling the seasonal pull, rather than what society seems to be doing, a few simple things to help you care for yourself are:
Tara Jackson