A positive mindset means that you have a positive expectation that things will turn out well and that you will succeed. It gives you more courage to try and persist with diet and lifestyle changes than if you have a negative mindset.

Making positive changes in your diet and lifestyle in turn increases your vibrancy, energy and positivity. This strengthened positivity gives you increased courage and persistence to explore other new areas of your life and make other intelligent changes, which in turn can increase your confidence and positivity and desire to stay on a diet that facilitates this positivity – and so the virtuous cycle continues.

Applying the principles of a positive mindset and emotions

It is almost impossible in our modern age to be ‘naturally’ positive. There is so much fear, scarcity, violence, resistance, apathy and other negative things thrown at us from every angle – from the television and newspapers to other people who like to commiserate with each other over their grievances. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to cultivate your positive mindset and attitude, which will lead to day-to-day positive emotions.

‘How can I do that?’ you might be asking. Here’s what I’ve learned over many years from many different seminars, books and mentors, distilled down into one page of guidelines for your convenience and immediate use, on how to live a powerfully positive life.

Start by making the decision that your view of the world is a choice and optimism is a learnable skill. Decide that the world is a positive place and that there is as much good as there is evil. Just decide to release any resistance to this and choose it.

Make a list

Write down 100 things you’ve experienced in your life that show evidence that the world you live in has many good facets. Acknowledge and decide that your happiness and your fulfilment in life on this earth is your responsibility, not that of others. Realise that circumstances do not determine your happiness; it’s your interpretation of the circumstances and the meaning you attach to them that determines your happiness. 

Throw away your television

Advertisers and the media are supremely sophisticated in mind conditioning and subliminal messaging techniques, not to mention the plain, pure negativity that is pumped through the news 24/7. From my extensive training in marketing and studying the science of persuasion, I know first-hand just how easy it is to influence human beings to a certain desired action or state of mind. I have watched many sales speakers use systematic, pure science to get people to buy their products – they follow a technique and get the same results every time. Of course, this can be used ethically or unethically, but do you honestly believe that the media, advertisers, politicians and food/medical industries have your best interests at heart, when there is so much money, power and control at stake? Do yourself a favour and give yourself lots of extra free time – dump the square box.

Guard your mind

Be careful what you allow in. A friend of mine used to say: ‘You wouldn’t let your neighbour come into your house and dump their rubbish there, so don’t let people dump rubbish into your mind’, and this is so true. Our subconscious minds are very powerful and are just that – subconscious. We can’t tell the impact something has on our subconscious mind, but we do need to be mindful on a conscious level.

Be proactive

Rather than reactive. Other people and circumstances will always demand your time – emails and phone calls to answer, expectations of friends and family, colleagues and clients. Schedule some ‘me’ time, but also structure your day to get your high-value, high-priority things done and the less important yet ‘urgent’ tasks done afterwards. No one will give you permission to live life on your terms; you have to take charge and demand it of yourself and others around you.

Surround yourself

With good, kind, supportive, successful, uplifting, positive people. Distance yourself from negative types – the complainers, moaners and naysayers – even if they might have been long-standing friends. Their negative effect on you is much more pervasive than you think.

Banish negative self-talk

Talk to yourself positively and guard against speaking negatively to, or about, yourself. Be your own champion. You, more than anyone else in your life, need and deserve that and doing this helps you to be the best you can be for other people too. Don’t gossip or moan about other people. If you have a problem with someone, speak to them directly.

Help others

Help others as much as you can and go out of your way to extend compassion. For example, give to charity or tithe, help homeless people and volunteer. Keep your word and keep agreements as far as you can. This will maintain your esteem both in your eyes and other people’s.

Be balanced

Live a balanced life: work hard on what you enjoy doing, spend quality time with friends and family, exercise often, spend time in nature, be fun and silly, enjoy your hobbies, discover/develop your spirituality and faith by joining a prayer or meditation group, for example.

Be grateful

Give thanks and praise often and actively think of at least ten things each day (ideally morning and evening) that you are thankful for in your life and that have happened that day. An attitude of gratitude is a great way to get you instantly onto a positive vibe and to be more resilient to life’s everyday stressors.

Having a positive mindset and emotions is not about being happy all the time – allow your emotions to be, whether positive or negative, and let them pass, don’t allow yourself to get attached to them. It is rather an overall conviction that whatever happens, I’ll handle it.

The benefits of applying this principle

A positive mindset and outlook will improve your life in every way and you will experience some distinct health benefits, including:

  • Increased longevity
  • Reduced risk or symptoms of depression
  • Lower levels of distress and anxiety
  • Greater resistance to the common cold and immunity in general
  • Better psychological and physical wellbeing
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Better coping skills during times of stress and hardship
  • Greater resilience and resourcefulness
  • Better communication and relationships with others
  • More happiness, fulfilment and meaning in your life
  • A greater sense of purpose in life
  • A greater sense of connectedness to your fellow human beings, and spiritually