In this week's A-Z we have left the earthy world of physiological based massage behind. No snippets of research about cortisol or reduced anxiety today; we're not in Kansas anymore. Instead we enter the wonderful world of transformational healing. You might decide to book a metamorphic session if you wanted to:

  • Change the patterns in your relationships
  • Respond to stress differently
  • Move on in your life
  • Release old habits and beliefs about the world that no longer serve you
  • Feel more fulfilled
  • Feel 'more yourself'
  • Just LET GO!

What happens in a metamorphic session?

Metamorphic technique is neither a therapy nor a massage, instead it is a technique for transformation. As such, it's refreshingly free of the protocols many therapies require:

  • There is no need for a case history
  • You can sit or lie as you prefer
  • Talk or remain quiet
  • Have one session or a series of regular appointments
  • You can even learn it in a weekend and then practice on your family

The touch is gentle and fluid, mostly on the feet, but also the hands and head and is incredibly relaxing.

Why does metamorphic technique work?

The metamorphic touch is focused on the spinal, conception and birth reflex points of reflexology; the areas that relate to your conception, gestation, birth and early attachment. In an energetic sense the events of this period have a dramatic influence on our character and behaviour.

Our conception and gestation influence the bedrock of our beliefs and patterns in the world, these experiences have echoes throughout our lives. The story of our birth also makes a strong imprint on our way of being, for example someone born by emergency caesarian might always feel dragged off before they're ready to go, or babies with a long gestation might like to take their time with things and so on.

When these deep patterns are creating problems in your life, it can be a lengthy slog to unpick them and metamorphic can clear these blocks to facilitate a deep healing.

One of the strengths of this work is that the therapist stays detached from the outcome of the treatment. The touch allows the intelligence of your own innate life-force to flow in the appropriate direction for you. It makes for an excellent therapeutic presence:

  • No annoying advice
  • No simplistic tips
  • No patronising "I know your patterns better than you" type of thing

Instead there is an abiding confidence that the healing will unfold in the way that's appropriate for you in your own life journey.

Who is metamorphic technique good for?

The gentle, non-intentional touch means that it's appropriate for anyone who feels drawn to it. Even the most fragile - babies, pregnant women and the gravely ill can all be treated safely. It's great for people who don't want to have to talk about their traumas or personal feelings and who are searching for a better way of being.

Not recommended if:

  • You require evidence-based research
  • You have ticklish feet
  • You like a diagnosis or reading
  • You need to be told what to do

Where is metamorphic technique from?

Gaston Saint-Pierre coined the term Metamorphic Technique and founded the Metamorphic association in London during the 70's.